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Any new build or development is a big decision and you need a partner who is going to get it right for you. Our business is driven from your needs, and that’s what makes us different.

Sure, every business claims to be different and every business can make promises about how they put their customers at the heart of everything they do – and of course, we are no different. But what does make Olive Homes different, we believe, is our attitude – and that is what counts.


Olive Homes was started with a genuine love for the New Zealand home building market. With a team comprising international experience we felt that we could offer something a little different to the New Zealand market. We want to serve our customers and we want to ensure their needs are at the heart of everything we do.


We are not a business looking for market domination or the pursuit of numbers at the expense of customer service, quite frankly our team's corporate history understands the prevalence in many businesses profit has. Sure, all businesses need to make money, but for a sustainable business, you need to have like-minded individuals who have a genuine commitment to making a difference to their customers. Customers want to buy from genuine people, and genuine people have their customers needs at heart.


Any new build or development project can be configured to make a maximum profit – and of course, this is what helps ensure new homes are built – however many businesses take a short term approach. At Olive Homes we believe true consultative sell should encourage customers to think of their project within the context of any development – by catering to the needs of any future homeowner we can ensure our clients get the best new home products which will have lasting appeal, durability, saleability and performance. What good is a potentially hugely profitable home or development if it won’t sell?


The Olive Homes team want to make a difference to your project and we’d love to show you how we can take your project from imagination to creation.

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